Communication and mutual Problem solving

       Good morning friends, I hope you had an awesome week. It is always exciting to share thoughts and insights with you about what will surely contribute to your happiness as you go about in your daily routine. Today, my writing will be more on a general topic that does not only apply to families but individuals. As you have seen already, the topic is communication and mutual problem-solving. Although this topic has for the audience general public we should remember that its first target is families and couples experiencing problems coming from communication. 

        Effective communication has been a problem for decades in many homes. This problem is influenced by the surrounding factors of our society that negatively affect the peace and harmony of many homes. According to recent research, ongoing communication difficulties are the number one reason couples divorce in the United States. According to one study, 67.5% of marriages ended did so is primarily due to communication problems. This fact leads us to conclude that good communication is the foundation of a successful relationship. Today's writing purpose will be to effectively outline good communication skills that will help first-married couples in their relationship, second individuals in their daily life, and their relationships with others.

       Various media have been provided through the evolution of technology to enable men and women to communicate and share thoughts and feelings. The conventional way we have since the foundation of the world is one on one discussion. Nevertheless being different in the ways of relaying the thought from one hand to another hand, they take the same following pattern to convey information. First,  the thought or feeling is encoded (to encode is to find a way to convey information.). then it is sent through a media and lastly, the message is decoded by the other person. but unfortunately, the other person's understanding of the message will be influenced by the media.  Also, it is important to mention that words convey 14% of the message, tone 35% of the message and nonverbal communication will convey 51%  of media. Coming back to the media used, social media convey only 14% of the message. So out of this, we can conclude that major problems can be avoided as partners use efficient media to discuss problems. social media platforms definitely have to be avoided at all costs to resolve conflicts. alongside, the tone of what we say and the words chosen play an important role in conveying information.

 The second part of this article is to know how to solve a mutual problem. I would like to refer you to the five secrets of effective communication. they are many websites that explain deeply what the five secrets are all about. My goal here is to give you a slight overview of it and encourage you to read about it. let us proceed with it : 

1- The Disarming Technique (DT). Find some truth in what the other person is saying, even if it seems totally unreasonable or unfair.

2-Empathy. Put yourself in the other person's shoes and try to see the world

though his or her eyes.

-Thought Empathy (TE). Paraphrase the other person's words.

-Feeling Empathy (FE). Acknowledge how the other person is probably feeling, based on what she or  he said.

3-Inquiry (IN). Ask gentle, probing questions to learn more about what the other person is thinking and feeling.

A = Assertiveness

4. "I Feel" Statements (IF). Express your own ideas and feelings in a direct, tactful manner. Use "I feel" statements, such as "I feel upset," rather than "you" statements, such as "You're wrong!" or "You're making me furious!"

R = Respect

5. Stroking (ST), Convey an attitude of respect, even if you feel frustrated or angry with the other person. Find something genuinely positive to say to the other person, even in the heat of battle.

I want to conclude by saying that having a good relationship is something supernatural that comes from constant efforts and willingness to make things better. The love we have for people can be multiplied as we look for ways to improve it and for God's hands to bless the union. I pray that you find the peace that good communication brings in the name of Jesus Christ our Savior, Amen. 


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